Review of hair before summer cuts:And now the summer look:
June 26, 2010
Summer Cuts
Posted by The Milams at 6/26/2010 3 comments
Z: Some people wear shoes in their house. We don't. That's not how we roll."
Brandon to Trent after church. "You acted horrible in church. What was the deal?" T: "I was trying to sleep and those brothers were talking too loud." (As in Bro. Clint, our preacher, and Bro. Tim, our music leader.)
T: After getting his head shaved, "People won't know my name."
Zachary spent the night with Grana for 2 nights, T said, "I thought he was going to be Grana's kid."
A friend of ours asked Trent what he wanted for his birthday.
Trent: a bb gun
Tim: Well, that's really something your parents have to buy you. Anything else?
Trent: Ummmmm, a real chain saw.
Tim: I'm sorry I asked.
Zachary walked out of my bathroom with a feminine product in his hand, "Mom, why do you still have these?" Me: "Sometimes mommies just need those. Go put it up." Z: "Girls understand it, boys sure don't." AMEN!
Me: "Who do you want to invite to your birthday party?"
T: "Everybody we know who has little kids."
Overheard conversation:
Z: Have you ever seen anybody kiss?
Keller: Yea. My dad kisses my mom.
Z: No! Like somebody whose not married?
Keller: Yes on tv.
Z: I saw Freddie and Sam kiss on I-Carly.
Z and Keller at the same time: SIIIIIIIICK!
Somebody called to inquire about our rental property. Z said, "Do they want to rent it?" I told him that it was a possibility. He said, "If they do, that will be a dream come true for me." Didn't realize the rental property was part of his dreams?!
Zachary and I were discussing God vs. evil. He said, "I bet hell is so happy everytime I get in trouble." Then as we continued in the conversation about God being able to overcome evil, he slightly missed the point when he said, "He comes over evil to me a lot." I asked what he meant and he said, "You know, like everytime I get in trouble!"
Posted by The Milams at 6/26/2010 1 comments
Rivercats T-ball
Zachary had a great year in t-ball. (His last year!) His team was called the Rivercats. He really improved so much from last year. We love watching him and he loves playing!
He started off in the outfield. He got tired after the first batter and decided to hang up his hat....
Posted by The Milams at 6/26/2010 2 comments
June 22, 2010
Kindergarten Graduation
Getting his diploma from principal Mrs. Walley
Posted by The Milams at 6/22/2010 1 comments
Shooting lessons
Zachary has been asking to shoot skeet for months so we finally took him out for his first lesson. His two instructors were FULL of information and pointers
Posted by The Milams at 6/22/2010 2 comments
Brain Gym Program
Posted by The Milams at 6/22/2010 1 comments
Rae's Prom
Raegan ended her high school career earlier this month. We have had such a special few years being in town for her sophomore through senior years. We have loved being able to attend her sporting events and other activities, watching her mature these past few years and just getting to be around her more than the occasional visit. She is so special to Brandon and I. We have so many memories of her as a child and through the years and it's hard to believe she will be leaving for college in just a few weeks. I know that God has big things in store for her and we are excited about getting to watch the next chapter of her life evolve.
Posted by The Milams at 6/22/2010 0 comments