This is just about the greatest compliment I've ever received on my cooking...
February 27, 2009
February 26, 2009
New 'do
I couldn't take the long, cool boy hair any longer. It was really cute when he would allow me to fix it, but that wasn't his favorite thing!
The first words out of his mouth this morning were, "It won't be hard to fix my hair this morning!"
I'm holding out on baby brother's long hair. Not ready for him to look like a big boy!
Posted by The Milams at 2/26/2009 1 comments
February 24, 2009
Texas Week
**See bottom of post for day two pictures
I loved how Trent hugged up to his brother when I told them to get together for a picture.
Putting cowboy gear on your body makes you gallop
I took a picture of Trent with Ms. Sherri, but I promised her I wouldn't put her pic on my blog. I had to crop him out and put him on here though. Do you see a kid who is working his teacher???
Day two:
Cutie pie!
(Please notice the gun and holster on his hip.)
Day three:
Excitement died down a little bit for the last day of Texas week, but we are still sporting jeans and boots!
Posted by The Milams at 2/24/2009 6 comments
Can we fix it??
Yes, WE CAN!
We took the boys to Texarkana last night to see Bob the Builder Live. I honestly thought that Zachary was a little old for it and might get bored, but they both loved it!
Displaying the toys that Daddy bought them. He is such a SUCKER!
When we got in the car, Zachary said that he wished he had gotten to shake Bob's hand. I said, "Would you have told him that you dedicated 2 years of your life to loving him?"
Trent piped up and said, "I've been watching him my WHOLE life!"
All 2 1/2 years...
Posted by The Milams at 2/24/2009 3 comments
February 23, 2009
All about MOMMY
I got the idea from Lots of Scotts to question my kids to see how they view me. Trent is a little young and gave really random answers or no answers at all, but I loved Zachary's responses. What really surprised me is how much he loved answering the questions.
This is Zachary's 5 year old perspective of his mommy:
1.1. What is something Mom always says to you?
Z: "go sit on your bed"
T: "spankings"
2. What makes Mom happy?
Z: "kisses and hugs"
T: "guns"
3. What makes Mom sad?
Z: "when I act bad"
T: "punching"
4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
Z: "watch a funny show"
5. What was your Mom like as a child?
Z: "a 5 year old"
6. How old is your Mom? (31)
Z: "31"
T: "2"
7. How tall is your Mom?
Z: "5 feet"
T: "big!"
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Z: "work on the computer"
9. What does your Mom do when you're not around?
Z: "grocery shopping and stuff"
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Z: "magic tricks"
11. What is your Mom really good at?
Z: "making breakfast"
T: "magic tricks" (I can honestly say I have NO IDEA where this came from!)
12. What is your Mom not very good at?
Z: "This is a hard one! You're not really good at hanging curtains."
13. What does your Mom do for a job?
Z: "taking care of kids"
14.What is your Mom's favorite food?
Z: "steak"
15.What makes you proud of your Mom?
Z: "when she makes me juices"
16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Z: "Penelope Pitstop-because she is a girl."
17. What do you and your Mom do together?
Z: "We hook trailers up to your car" (so true, I can't do it without his help!!!)
18. How are you and your Mom the same?
Z: "our eyes are the same"
19. How are you and your Mom different?
Z: "mommies have different bottoms"
20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
Z: "buying me stuff"
21. What does your Mom like most about your dad?
Z: "when he gets her tulips and rose flowers"
22. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go?
Z: "Canton!"
Daddy version coming soon!
Posted by The Milams at 2/23/2009 7 comments
February 20, 2009
Under the Not-So-Big Top
Yesterday we met some friends at the circus that came through town. It was held in the Livestock Pavilion at the fairgrounds (if that isn't totally TEXAS, I don't know what is!). Our kids had a ball and loved every minute of it. There were lions, tigers, elephants, acrobats, motorcycles...pretty much everything you see under the big top, just at a much smaller scale. It was a great afternoon...but very chilly!
Emerson, Kayce, my boys and I.
Jerilyn and her kiddos met us there too, but somehow I didn't get a single picture of them. Maybe it was the juggling of 2 boys, 2 cotton candies, 3 drinks and a plate of nachos that inhibited my photography!
These adorable poodles were my personal fav. They were too cute!
Zachary's favorite were without a doubt the motorcycle riders. It was an added bonus that the first one crashed and was slightly injured. :(
Trent's favorite were the lions, elephants (with trunks) or the nachos depending on when you ask him!
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 5 comments
Valentine's Day Treats
Here are the treats that I sent for the boys' classmates for their Valentine parties.
These were filled with teddy grahams.
These were popcorn balls made with Sunni's recipe and a little advice from her. Thanks, Sunni!
Hope your day was good. We had a family date to Shoguns on Friday night that we ALL enjoyed. I got red roses from my man and yellow roses from my boys. I also got two big pots of tulips. No complaints from me!!!
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 3 comments
A club that I am involved in toured Sweet Shop USA for our monthly social in January. It was so cool! Every chocolate that they make is handmade which was really neat to watch. We couldn't take cameras back in the kitchens so I don't have any pictures of their process, but I was totally impressed.
They sell their chocolates to several upscale department stores and specialty shops around the country. It's really awesome that they chose MP to relocate to after losing their old building to a fire. If you live in this area, I highly recommend you tour their business or at least, drop in to buy some of their delish products!
Sweet Shop's showroom all decorated for V day.
Jerilyn and I dressed and ready for the tour! She commented, "You better not put this picture on your blog" right after this was taken. I promise I won't, Jerry!
She obviously liked what she saw during the tour because here Jerilyn is picking out her own chocolates.
I really am sad that I didn't get a group picture of all of us dressed in our garb. We were a site to behold!
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 1 comments
Fancy Nancy
My best bud came to visit for a day recently. Zachary loves her and he REALLY loved that she was terrified riding on his four wheeler and squealed the entire time. We had a fun, quick visit that involved a trip to Randy's burgers! Always a good day!
Raegan and Alyssa showed up while Nancy was visiting. They remind us often of how old and uncool we are, yet they show up to hang out each time she's here!? While Nancy and I were innocently sitting on the porch enjoying each other's company, one of them (still unsure of who!) was snapping pictures unbeknown to us. But really, these capture our day together pretty well.'
Nancy, come back soon! But hide your car so those teenagers who totally cramp our style don't show up!!!
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 3 comments
Here lies squirrel
One afternoon we noticed a squirrel who had been recently run over in front of our house. Although my boys will shoot any living thing for the thrill of the kill, they were distraught over this poor dead animal. He must have just been struck because he was in great condition with his little paws in the perfect prayer position. The boys and Emma decided that he needed a proper burial and service. This is what they came up with:
It reads, "Here lies squirelly. He was praying."
By the way, his coffin is a Ralph Lauren shoe box. Only the best for animals who are buried on our property.:)
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 1 comments
Every boy needs a fort
Daddy decided that our boys needed a fort behind our house and immediately went to work on his plan. He spent an entire day designing and constructing it. He had LOADS of help!
Luke was the "keeper of the tools"
It turned out adorable.
The boys love it and they "deer hunt" from it often. I have even spent a few afternoons hanging out inside with both boys and one stinky dog and it's actually quite relaxing.
Have I mentioned how much I love having boys????
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 1 comments
I can do it by myself
This is how Mr. Self Sufficient dressed himself recently. In his defense, I think I've seen something similar to it on some famous rappers, and at least Trent looks cute in it!
Posted by The Milams at 2/20/2009 4 comments
February 19, 2009
Blast from the Past
Since I haven't blogged in forever I wanted to make my comeback great! This video is pretty much one of my all time favorite clips of my kids. It is of Zachary just a few weeks after I had Trent. When I came out of my bedroom from nursing Trent, this is what I found:
AND, thanks to Jeff, an angel sent from above, my computer is up and running and I will be back to blogging first thing tomorrow!
Posted by The Milams at 2/19/2009 6 comments
February 18, 2009
Visit from Friends
Back in January (seems like forever ago) our friends from Arkansas came for the weekend. Jamie and I had a great time sitting on my back porch visiting while the kids played outside. I didn't take a bunch of pictures (didn't even get a single one of Jamie and her adorable prego belly), but here are the highlights from the visit.
LOTS of time spent playing on the new BUMP beds Playing outside in the beautiful weather
Working on major projects
Posted by The Milams at 2/18/2009 1 comments
February 17, 2009
OK, I had big plans for this blog today, but just not happening for me! The computer tech that I was expecting to help me is no longer. (The details are ugly so I'll spare you!) I have done everything that I know to do or that has been suggested to me and I still cannot get a picture to download. SO, I am asking for any help that any of you can give. AND, if you live in my area and know of someone who makes housecalls for computer dummies, PLEASE pass them along!
Here's the situation: I can add text all day long, but I can't get a picture to download. I have tried downsizing the pics, downloading one at a time, and tried both on my laptop and desktop. Any suggestions???
What the heck??? So frustrating! I have lots of fun pictures to add once I get this sucker fixed!
Posted by The Milams at 2/17/2009 4 comments
February 2, 2009
Technical Difficulties
I have not abandoned this blog, but am having extreme tech. issues. I cannot download pictures on either my laptop or desktop and no one really wants to read my posts without pics. You can stop with the hate mail...we will be up and running eventually and I will have lots to post about then!
Have a good week!
Posted by The Milams at 2/02/2009 3 comments