October 28, 2009

Pets and Pumpkins

Brandon brought us home three new pets on Monday. Rabbits. Thank you, Dear. So far the boys (and Emma) have loved them.

Zachary and Bambi

Trent and Hot Shot

This is Thumper- Emma's bunny who shacks up with the boys' rabbits
They all look just alike so we put their initial inside their ear with a sharpie so we could tell the difference between them. I'm pretty sure that's what professional bunny breeders do, right?! AND...we have no idea on the gender of them so if you are interested in Easter bunnies, I will be taking orders shortly...I feel certain.
We also carved our pumpkins this week. Brandon and Zachary were serious about theirs.
Yes, that is a Bowie knife...we don't mess around
Finished product
Trent was my partner.
He like stabbing his with the knife...a million times.He just wanted his name carved..no face. He thinks his name is T. Anytime he sees one, he'll say "There's my name." That made my job much easier!
Love this time of year!


Jamie said...

Cool Jack-o-lanterns! I like the "T".

The rabbits LOOK sweet...but I'm sure glad Lane hasn't surprised us with any!

Mandy said...

How fun! Bunnies!!

We've Got Scents said...

Cute carvers and cute carvings:)
They are too funny.
Happy Halloween,