December 10, 2007

Dear Santa...

Since we know that Santa is surely tech-savvy, we are writing our letter to him and posting it here on our family's blog. I am writing this exactly as it is dictated by the 4 year old leader of our household.

Dear Santa,

I want a big, new bicycle WITH a kick stand and a punching bag. Bring Trent a tricycle. And I want a green motorcycle like at Grandmaw's.

Large pause here while he is thinking...

Still thinking...

How many things can I ask for?

I want to ask for 3 things.

Now send this to the North Pole. I can make a new list on a different day.


Mama, we can tell him all your stuff a different day.


The Garners said...

LOVE this! And I love how he's "ordering" for T, too. He's a mess! :)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what is on his list for tomorrow!

Fun With Five said...

How cute is that?? :)