October 31, 2007

Work Day

Yesterday I volunteered for a short time at the pumpkin patch where Z goes to school. The boys went with me and really enjoyed it. T loved sorting all the small pumpkins and, of course, Z was "in charge" of the big ones.

We didn't have many (ANY) customers since our shift was in the middle of the day, so Z had me call some grandmothers to come shop. (Car salesman in training??) Grana and KK came to buy a few, so we did, at least, have two visitors while we were there.

It didn't matter to the boys and I about our poor sales, we loved being outside enjoying the wonderful Fall weather AND we gathered about 200 acorns that we are still holding onto!


Anonymous said...

I think T is getting cuter by the day! He looks so cute sitting on the pumpkins...as does Z!


p.s. Those boys my have a job out here in CA! Rob would pay big bucks to pick up the acorns in our yard!!